Monday, September 21, 2009

Ventura, Hampton-Dumont, and McMahill/Marler Wedding

Thanks to all the Ventura High students, parents, and staff that helped us to have a great Homecoming 2009 Dance on Saturday night! Three hours and lots of students on the dance floor made for a very successful night.

Coming up this week is the Hampton-Dumont Homecoming dance on Friday night, and the McMahill/Marler Wedding on Saturday. I am really pumped about both events, but Friday in particular, because H-D is my high school Alma Mater. Well, I graduated from Dumont, but I did play football for H-D, so it's like going home again. We've done the homecoming dance there for a number of years now, and each year is AWESOME! I can't wait, it should be a great evening!

Saturday's wedding will also be a lot of fun, and it's close to home, so it should be an easy drive home afterwards. From the looks of their planner, it should be a night filled with great music, lots of fun, and wonderful memories.

That's it for now, I'll update again later. Keep checking back for changes, and we'll see you on the road!

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